Enrollment Settings Overview

The Settings page has several categories of fields and settings related to Grading, Pacing, Weights, Monitored Assessments, Student Tools, and Block Term End Progress for the enrollment.


Item # Setting Description
A Message box Only appears when enrolling a single student settings and when enrolling multiple students.
B Copy School Values Only appears when enrolling a single student with personalized settings. Select Yes to have the enrollment use the school Grading, Pacing, & Assessment settings.
C Grading, Pacing, and Flex Settings
Pass Threshold
Personalize Grading and Pacing If Yes, allows teachers and administrators with the "Change Grading, Pacing, and Assessments" permission to modify the grading pass thresholds, pacing attempts, and Flex settings for the enrollment.
CRx Enrolled student(s) must achieve the set percentage (pass threshold) to pass a pre-test for each unit of a course with CRx mode enabled. CRx mode means "Credit Recovery mode."
  Enrolled student(s) must achieve the set percentage to pass a lesson. Setting the Lesson Pass Threshold to a number greater than zero (0) enables "Focused Learning."

What this means: When the student submits a lesson with a score below the Lesson Pass Threshold, the lesson is automatically reassigned to the student to do again and the Attempts counter is increased by one. The maximum number of times the lesson is reassigned can be set. 
Enrollment_settings-quiz_icon.png Enrolled student(s) must achieve the set percentage to pass a quiz for the course(s). 
  Enrolled student(s) must achieve the set percentage to pass a test for the course(s). 
Pacing - Attempts Allowed
  Maximum number of opportunities for enrolled student(s) to achieve the lesson pass threshold for course(s). 
Block Progress If enabled, when enrolled student(s) do not achieve a score at or above the Quiz Pass Threshold within the Max Quiz Attempts, their progress is blocked. Students can notify their assigned teacher (via internal messaging) to unblock their progress. 
 Enrollment_settings-quiz_icon.png Number of opportunities for enrolled student(s) to achieve the test pass threshold for course(s).
Block Progress  If enabled, when enrolled student(s) do not achieve a score at or above the Quiz Pass Threshold within the Max Quiz Attempts, their progress is blocked. Students can notify assigned teacher (via internal messaging) to unblock their progress.
   Number of opportunities for enrolled student(s) to achieve test pass threshold for course(s).
Block Progress If enabled, when enrolled student(s) do not achieve a score at or above the Test Pass Threshold within the Max Test Attempts, their progress is blocked. Students can notify assigned teacher (via internal messaging) to unblock their progress.
CRx If enabled, and the course is a Flex Assessments course with CRx mode enabled, and the student does not achieve the CRx Pass Threshold on a unit pre-test, they are assigned only the lessons in the unit associated with the missed questions on the pretest. The lessons in the unit with correctly answered questions are automatically set to "Skipped" status. All of the associated questions on the quiz subsequent to the skipped lesson are also skipped. Questions associated with a skipped lesson are NOT skipped on the post-test providing a true pre/post-test comparison. 
Skipped If enabled, teachers and administrators can skip an assignment in a course with Flex Assessments and have the quizzes and tests automatically adapt to match the material covered. Questions associated to skipped lessons are disabled (grayed out) and have a "Skipped" status. These questions do not have to be answered by enrolled students and are not included when calculating student grades. Test questions are NOT skipped. For enrollments with CRx mode enabled, only quiz questions can be skipped. 
D Student Tools - Writer
Spelling and Grammar If enabled (checked), Writer works much like a word processor in that enrolled student(s) right-clicks to see suggestions for incorrectly spelled words or improved grammar usage.
Scoring If enabled (checked), enrolled student(s) can use five criteria: Word Count, Grade Level, Readability, Topic Agreement, and Writing, to get an overall score for assignments. The Teacher provides the final grade.
E Block Term End Progress If Yes, prevents enrolled student(s) from working on assignments once the last day of the term is reached. Students can message the teacher to have the end of the term extended. The teacher receives a "Reschedule end of term" notification in his Actions list. 
F Weights 
Personalize Weights If Yes, allows teachers and administrators with the "Change Grading, Pacing, and Assessments" permission to modify the weights for the enrollment.
   If the Personalize Weights setting is Yes, enter a value between 0 and 100 for the weight of lesson grades within the unit. Otherwise, the school-level lesson weight value appears.  
    If the Personalize Weights setting is Yes, enter a value between 0 and 100 for the weight of project grades within the unit. Otherwise, the school-level project weight value appears.
Enrollment_settings-quiz_icon.png If the Personalize Weights setting is Yes, enter a value between 0 and 100 for the weight of quiz grades within the unit. Otherwise, the school-level quiz weight value appears.
  If the Personalize Weights setting is Yes, enter a value between 0 and 100 for the weight of test grades within the unit. Otherwise, the school-level test weight value appears.
G Monitored Assessments
If Yes, allows teachers and admins with the "Change Grading, Pacing, and Assessments" permission to modify the monitored assessments settings for the enrollment.
Enrollment_settings-quiz_icon.png If enabled (checked), prevents enrolled student(s) from entering the quiz until the teacher unblocks them. This setting allows the teacher to monitor enrolled student(s)' preparation level for the quiz or to proctor the quiz.
  If enabled (checked), prevents enrolled student(s) from entering the test until the teacher unblocks them. This setting allows the teacher to monitor enrolled student(s)' preparation level for the test or to proctor the test.