Changing enrollment status to Active, Archived, or On Hold

Use this article to change the status of a student enrollment to Active, Archived, or On Hold.


Teachers and Supers Teachers with the "Assign Courses" permission can change the teacher of record for enrollments of students they have access to see.


Typically, when managing student enrollments they are in Active status. However, if they need to be placed in On Hold or in Archived status, their status can be changed. Or, maybe an enrollment is On Hold, for example, the enrollment was created, but put it in On Hold status until a Pre-test was completed, now the status can be changed to Active. Also change an Archived enrollment to Active or On Hold as long as the grace period has not expired.


When you place an enrollment in Archived status, it is like placing the information in a virtual file cabinet. The information does not get deleted; it just gets filed away from sight but can be easily retrieved as long as the grace period has not expired. The grace period for archived enrollments is set by the Administrator. During the grace period, the Archived status can be reversed, with all information related to the enrollment returned to either On Hold or Active status. Once the grace period ends, the enrollment moves from Pending Archive to Archived status and the status cannot be reversed. A new enrollment would need to be created.

If placing all courses for a student in On Hold or Archived status, consider changing the student's status to On Hold or Archived because changing the student's status automatically changes all of their enrollments (courses) to On Hold or Archived status.

If an enrollment is currently in Active or On Hold status and the student has not opened any assignment in it for the duration of one year (52 weeks), the enrollment is automatically moved to Pending Archive status. The Teacher of Record (TOR) for the enrollment is notified seven days in advance of the pending archival with a system-generated message in their Inbox The message contains "Subject = Notification to teacher regarding pending archival action".

Changing enrollment status to Active, Archived, or On Hold

  1. Click Course Enrollment
  2. Use the filters to find the student and their enrollment. 
  3. Click Search
  4. Click Edit under Actions of the enrollment. 


    Checkmark the enrollment and select the desired status button.

  5. In the Status dropdown, select the desired status. 
  6. If Archived was selected, select the Reason.
      • Complete- The course is completed by the student.
      • Incomplete- The course is incomplete and will not be completed by the student.
      • Drop- Course is dropped by student.
      • Void- Course should not have been assigned to student or was assigned in error.
  7. Click Save Settings
  8. A confirmation window appears. Click Ok