Use this page to understand the process for students.
Frequently Asked Questions
If the assignment is a quiz or test and the student stops interacting with it, not only does the inactivity timer appear, but the quiz or test gets locked by the system. However, if the student stops interacting with a quiz or test and opens another assignment before turning in the quiz or test, the quiz or test gets locked by the system after two minutes. When the student attempts the quiz or test again, in any situation, the student can request an unlock by the teacher. Quizzes and tests are not like lessons and projects where students can save their work and come back later. Typically, quizzes and tests may have one attempt to complete the questions. If not completed and turned in, a system lock occurs.
- If the student fails to log out, for example, she just closes the browser tab, she still receives 25 minutes activity time.
With a failed logout, the student's session ends at the preset session_closed_at time which is currently set to one hour or 3,600 seconds. If the Login/Logout Times report is run within that hour, the session duration shows as "In Progress".
- If the student logs out using the application's Sign Out button, the inactivity time is adjusted to the reflect the current time.
- The student's login page looks the same as the Teacher application, but when the student enters their username and password, the application displays the individual student's schoolwork.
- If this is the first time logging in, the student must accept the End User License Agreement and can view the video, if desired. A system session timer starts and records the student login time.
The student "Logged In Time" (session duration) is available in the Login/Logout Times report, and for an active enrollment, can be viewed in the Dashboard by the Teacher of Record for the enrollment.
- The page that appears is the Learn > Assignments page. The Assignments page displays a list of assigned courses (subjects) and the next few assignments due in each course.
The student can click Learn > Courses tab to see their Learner Dashboard showing his/her progress in all assigned courses and can also access completed assignments to prepare for quizzes and tests.
- If an assignment is available and ready for work, the student clicks it and starts working. However, if the assignment is blocked by the teacher, a message is sent to the teacher to unblock it. Once unblocked, the assignment is available.
If the assignment is a quiz or test, the student is messaged that quizzes and tests must be completed once opened. Typically, quizzes and tests may have one attempt to complete and are not like lessons and projects where the student can save their work and come back later. If the student leaves the quiz or test, such as he closes the browser before turning the quiz or assignment in, the quiz or test gets locked by the system and the student can request an unlock by the teacher.
If an assignment is overdue (past the Due Date), the student sees a visual indicator stating "Overdue" in the color red. The teacher sees the same assignment with the Overdue symbol
in the Assignment Alerts table on their Home page and in the Assignment Alerts page.
- When the student opens an assignment, another system timer starts to record their activity time in the assignment. As the student interacts with the assignment, the timer continues. This activity time is known as "Time on Task". If the student becomes inactive, that is, stops interacting with the assignment, after 25 minutes, the timer counts down and displays a message that the student will be logged out.
The student can use the available student tools to:
- Hear pronunciation of vocabulary words
- View transcripts of multimedia in lessons
- View and hear translation of assignment text (If it is a World Language Arts course, the translation feature will not be available.)
- Hear a speaker read the assignment text
- Read and write notes
- Request help from the teacher
For a quiz or test, if the student stops interacting with it and opens another assignment before turning in the quiz or test, after two minutes, that quiz or test gets locked by the system. The student can request an unlock by the teacher to continue the quiz or test attempt.
The student "Time on Task" time in hours, minutes and seconds can be seen in several activity reports, and for an active enrollment, can be viewed in the Dashboard by the Teacher of Record for the enrollment.
Educators can translate activities to see what the student sees when they translate. Learn more here.
- The student answers the questions and then turns in the assignment for grading. When the student clicks the "Turn It In" button, the "Time on Task" timer stops and the activity time is adjusted for the current time.
- The student sees a message notifying her of the grade for the assignment and lets her know whether or not that the grade may need a final grade by the teacher. If the message says the student received a passing grade based on the set threshold, the student can work on the next assignment in the unit, or move to another assignment in another course. If the student did not receive a passing grade, a message notifies her that she may have a number of attempts available to work on the assignment again.
- When finished working on assignments, the student clicks the Sign Out button to close the application and stop the "logged-in" session timer. Now the student's logged-in time or session duration is available in several reports and on the Teacher Dashboard.