Maximizing student learning potential in Imagine Odysseyware — Usage recommendations

To optimize student learning outcomes and make sure that students and teachers are using Imagine Odysseyware effectively, we recommend the following usage guidelines for students.

Active time

3 to 4 hours per week.

Each un-customized, year-long course is expected to take approximately:

  • Credit recovery: 80 hours of active time to complete.
  • Initial credit: 100 hours of active time to complete. 
  • Honors: 120 hours of active time to complete.
Seat/session time

4.5 to 5.5 hours per week.

Each un-customized, year-long course is expected to take approximately:

  • Credit recovery: 120 hours of seat/session time to complete.
  • Initial credit: 150 hours of seat/session to complete. 
  • Honors: 180 hours of seat/session to complete.
Target dates Target dates are set and are realistic (based on seat time and school calendar).
Progress/pacing Students are making enough progress to be on or ahead of pace.
Conferencing At least once per week.