Student Viewing Rights based on User Role

User roles also have student viewing rights which means the role assigned to you determines the students you can see.

User role Viewable student options
Super Teacher
  • For any View: all students Permissions-student_view-all_students.png filter, you see ALL registered students EXCEPT if the "Restrict to Campus" permission is enabled for your teacher profile, then you only see students with the same Campus IDs as your associated Campus IDs and students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR). 
  • For any View: my students Permissions-student_view-my_students.png filter, you see students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR).
  • For student groups, you see students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR) AND if the Restrict to Campus permission is enabled for your teacher profile, you also see students with the same, associated Campus IDs as your associated Campus IDs.
  • For the Dashboard, if not restricted by associated campus(es), you see all active student enrollments. If restricted by associated campus(es), you see enrollments for those associated campuses and where assigned as the Teacher of Record (TOR) .
  • For any View: all students Permissions-student_view-all_students.png filter, you see any students registered (created) by you and students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR).
  • For any View: my students Permissions-student_view-my_students.png filter, you see students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR).
  • For student groups, you see students you registered (created) and students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR).
  • For the Dashboard, you see students with enrollments in which you are the Teacher of Record (TOR).