Understanding the Groups Tab

You can create as many groups as you need; there is not a limit to the number of student groups for a school. You can have as many students as you need in a group and a student can be a member of multiple groups. No limits are imposed. As a teacher, you can edit, transfer ownership of, and delete groups that you created and just view membership of groups (for students you are allowed to see) that other users created.


When a student's status is changed to Archived, that student is automatically removed from any associated student groups.


To manage student groups, the ""Manage Student Groups" permission is required.


  1. Click Students
  2. Click Groups

The Groups tab contains a list of student groups, showing the group name, description, group owner and number of students in each group. Features and tools on the Groups tab (identified above) include:


Item Feature / Tool Description
A + New Group button Add a new group
B Edit tool Student-Group-Click_groups-edit_tool_icon.png Change the group name/description or add/remove students from the group
C Delete tool Student-Group-Click_groups-delete_tool_icon.png Eliminate the group
D View groups tool Student-Group-Click_groups-view_groups_tool_icon.png View the student membership of the group
E Actions list
  • Change Owner to transfer ownership of one or more groups to another owner. 
  • Delete the selected group(s)