Use this page to add a new student account.
- Click Students.
- On the Registration tab, click Create student.
- Enter the student's first name, last name, username, and password (entered twice). The other fields are optional.
User names must be unique and contain at least 1 character and no more than 100 characters. Effective March 30, 2023, passwords for all new accounts and any changes to passwords for existing accounts must have a minimum of 8 characters.
- Set the following options for the student. The defaults are already provided.
- Specify the course options for the student.
- Personalize the grade weight category for the student.
If changes are made to GPA and/or Weighting then it creates new criteria across all courses for that student. If GPA and/or Weighting only needs to be changed for one course, this can be done at a later time during the course enrollment process.
- Set the permissions for the student.
- Set additional permissions for the student.
- Set writing-specific permissions for the student.
- Specify the course options for the student.
- Click Save.