Admin Account overview

Use this page to learn more about the features available for an Admin's account. 




Item Name Description
A Login Enabled Default is Enabled. If enabled (checked), the user can log in to the system. If disabled (cleared), the user cannot log in to the system.
B User Status Default is Active. From the list, select to place the user in On Hold or Archived status.
C First Name REQUIRED! Enter (or edit) the user's first name. 

For schools using Single Sign-On (SSO), changes to identity fields are provided from the IDP upon login or through the scheduled partner integration secure sync.

D Last Name REQUIRED! Enter (or edit) the user's last name. 


For schools using Single Sign-On (SSO), changes to identity fields are provided from the IDP upon login or through the scheduled partner integration secure sync.

E Username REQUIRED! Enter a user name for logging in to the system. User names must be unique and contain at least one (1) character and no more than 100 characters. Allowed characters are: 0-9 a-z A-Z_(underscore) - (hyphen) . (period).


For schools using Single Sign-On (SSO), changes to identity fields are provided from the IDP upon login or through the scheduled partner integration secure sync.

F Email Enter a valid, formatted email address (up to 255 characters) for the teacher or admin.
G Password

REQUIRED! (Non-SSO users) 

  • When creating a teacher or admin profile, enter a password for logging in to the system. It must be a minimum of 8 characters. Allowed characters are: 0-9 a-z A-Z ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : ' " , < . > / ? space (entered with space bar).


    Passwords created before March 30, 2023, required a minimum of 6 characters. Effective March 30, 2023, passwords for all new accounts and any changes to passwords for existing accounts must have a minimum of 8 characters.

  • When editing a teacher or admin profile, the field contains a Change link. Click Change to change the password. Then, in the New Password field, enter the password.
H Repeat Password REQUIRED! (Non-SSO users) Enter the same password again to verify it.
I Force Password Change This field appears when editing a teacher or admin's profile for schools not using SSO. 

Default is Disabled. If enabled (checked), with the next log in, the user is prompted to change their password. They can set their own password. 
J Teacher/Admin

Select a user role: Admin, Teacher, or Super Teacher.


To learn more, click here

K Teacher ID

Enter text, numbers, or special characters that can be used for identifying the user. This field is useful for filtering, sorting, and searching in many lists and reports.


For those schools using SSO integration with Clever, this field can contain the user's Clever teacher_number (for teachers) or a Clever staff_id (for admins) which gets populated upon Clever sync. If your school has Clever integration, you may want to check with your school Admin before changing the value in this field.

L Campus IDs Campus IDs associated to a profile can be used to identify virtual or physical sites for your school where the user is involved. This field is useful for filtering, sorting, and searching in many lists and reports.


For teachers with the Super Teacher role, if this field is left blank, the "Restrict to Campus" permission is disabled. If this field has associated values, the "Restrict to Campus" permission can be enabled.

M Associations

Indicates the number of associations for the user. Associations are connections to outside sources that are used in the system to help manage data flow between the system and the outside source, such as a Student Information System (SIS). Associations are managed by the Admin on the School Settings > User Associations tab.


When creating a teacher or admin profile, the number is 0. When editing a profile, the number is 0 if the user has not been associated to any outside sources. If the user has  associations, the field changes to display the number of associations.

N Change Password

This field appears when editing a teacher or admin's profile for schools not using SSO. 


If enabled (checked), makes the My Preferences link visible which allows the user to change their password.

O Change Grading, Pacing, and Assessments If enabled (checked), allows the Admin to personalize grading and pacing and weightings for student profiles and personalize grading, pacing, weightings, and monitored assessment settings for enrollments.
P Skip Questions If enabled (checked), allows the Admin to skip or unskip individual questions in assignments.