Archive Overview

Use this page to understand the functions of the Archive tab in School Settings.

When a user or enrollment is changed to Archived status, the system places the account or enrollment in a temporary "Pending Archive" status until the grace period expires. During the grace period, the Archived status can be reversed, with all information related to the user account or enrollment returned to either On Hold or Active status. However, once the grace period ends, the user account or enrollment automatically moves from Pending Archive to Archived status and the status cannot be reversed. The record is permanently archived. A new user account with a new user name or create a new enrollment will need to be created. All data associated with the students and/or course can always be accessed through activity reports. 



Item Description Archived Conditions
User Grace Period The user's records will be archived after the set number of days have expired for the grace period
  • User login automatically disabled (students, teachers, admins, and parents).
  • Account is temporarily placed into "Pending Archive" status and user status can be changed to Active or On Hold as long as the grace period has not expired.
  • Users retain their associated campuses.
  • Student users are automatically removed from groups and cannot be added to new groups.
  • Teacher and Admin users with active student enrollments must have those enrollments reassigned to Active Teachers or Admins.
  • After the grace period expires, login is permanently disabled and the user can never access the application again under that username.
  • Parent users cannot access the Parent Portal
Enrollment Grace Period The enrollment will be archived after the set number of days have expired for the grace period
  • Enrollment is temporarily placed into "Pending Archive" status until the grace period expires. Before the grace period expires, the enrollment status can be changed to Active or On Hold.
  • Must supply a reason for archiving an enrollment.
  • Student users cannot enroll.
  • Course(s) are not visible in Student mode and Parent mode.