At the individual teacher profile level, when one or more Campus IDs are selected for the user, the "Restrict to Campus" permission can be enabled (checked) for a Super Teacher.
When the "Restrict to Campus" permission is enabled (checked), certain restrictions are enforced to limit access to only those students with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher. If the permission is not enabled (left unchecked), the Super Teacher has access to ALL students, regardless of the associated Campus IDs for their profile.
The exception to the "Restrict to Campus" permission enforcement occurs when the Super Teacher is the Teacher of Record (TOR) for an enrollment. Those students are seen by the Super Teacher, regardless of whether or not their Campus IDs are the same as the Super Teacher's Campus IDs.
Super Teachers with the permission enabled, the restrictions to features and functions are outlined below:
Feature/Function | Restriction |
Create (register) students which defaults to selected, associated Campus IDs for the restricted Super Teacher |
On the Students > Registration tab, a Super Teacher (with permission) can register (create) students. By default, the Campus IDs associated to the Super Teacher are automatically selected for the student the Super Teacher is registering. For example, a school has 20 campus IDs. The Super Teacher, with the "Restrict to Campus" permission enabled, has four campus IDs associated to her Teacher profile. When the Super Teacher creates a new student (registers one), the list of campus IDs for the student is automatically defaulted to the four selected campus IDs for the Super Teacher. A campus ID can be unselected, but other campus IDs for the school are not available to the restricted Super Teacher. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Add Students" permission enabled for their user profile to create (register) students. |
Create groups (search for students to include in the group) |
On the New Group page, when searching for students to include in the group, the Super Teacher only sees students with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher AND students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Manage Student Groups" permission enabled for their user profile to create groups. |
Create parent profiles (search for students to add to the parent profile) |
On the Create a Parent Profile page, when searching for students to add to the parent profile, the Super Teacher only sees students with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher and students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Add Parent" permission enabled for their user profile to create parent profiles. |
Enroll students in courses (search for students and/or groups) |
On the Enroll Students page, when searching for students and/or groups for the enrollment, the Super Teacher only sees students with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher as well as students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Assign Courses" permission enabled for their user profile to enroll students in courses. |
Filter Assignment Alerts | On the Assignment Alerts page, for the View: All Students ![]() |
Filter students on the Students Registration page | On the Students > Registration page, for the View: All Students ![]() |
Filter selection on the Dashboard |
On the Dashboard main view, in the Admin controls area, for the campus and teacher filters, the Super Teacher only sees campuses defined for the Super Teacher and teachers at campuses defined for the Super Teacher. The enrollments shown are for students at the campus and/or for the selected teacher. When the Super Teacher uses the "Show Only My Students" filter, will see enrollments where the Super Teacher is the TOR. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Enable Dashboard Admin View" permission enabled for their user profile to use the Admin controls on |
Import (register) multiple students |
On the Students > Registration tab, a Super Teacher (with permission) can import (register) multiple students. The Super Teacher is restricted to entering or selecting only those Campus IDs associated to her teacher profile for the students. Additional Permission Required- Super Teacher must have the "Add Students" permission enabled for their user profile to import (register) students. |
Search enrollments | On the Course Enrollments page:
Search the Gradebook | On the Gradebook page:
Select criteria for running Activity Reports | On the Activity Reports page, report selection criteria is restricted to Users (Students), Groups, and Enrollments in which students' Campus IDs match the Super Teacher's Campus IDs and students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. |
Send messages | On the Message page, for the All Students contacts selection list, the Super Teacher only sees students with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher AND students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. |
View groups owned by others | On the Students Groups page, the Super Teacher only sees students (group members) with the same Campus IDs as the Super Teacher AND students with an enrollment for which the Super Teacher is the TOR. |